Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises and Agent Coulson

Gah! I have been dying to blog something other than our pattern releases but so far life hasn't let me. Next week hopefully I'll get to share some awesome posts. But in the meantime check out what we've put in our store!

This summer has been flippin' awesome for blockbuster films, and one that we can't wait to see is "The Dark Knight Rises." So to while away the hours until it comes to a theatre near us, Jesse has designed an 8-bit inspired cross stitch pattern featuring 4 characters from the film. We've got Commissioner Gordon, Batman (of course), Bane (so creepy) and Catwoman. I also love the two-tone text that gives it an epic-movie feel.

The other pattern we've put in our store is the second in our Bros/Pals series and I'm so happy with it. It's Nick Fury and Phil Coulson from this summer's "Avengers" movie. We've watched all of the Marvel movies and I just loved how they incorporated Clark Gregg as Agent Coulson in all of them. *sigh* I miss him already. But now we can stitch up this pattern and we'll always have him around!

That's about it for this week. Summer's are always busy, but here in Canada we've learned to appreciate them when we have them. Stay tuned for more posts next week including another pattern release next Wednesday.

Same Bat Time,
Same Bat Channel

#summerssobusy #cantwaitforthebatmanmovietocomeout! #number1Coulsonfan


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